On Fri, Jun 3, 2011 at 8:05 AM, Marek Novotny <mnovotny@redhat.com> wrote:
Hi Seam devs,

although Seam 2 is now on leaving to the darkness due new Seam 3, I am
still working on that ;-) to satisfy some old Seam users who wanted
missing features which is worth to do.

First full Mavenized build of Seam 2, second JSF 2 support.

I have imported transformed Seam 2 sources from my github playground
into https://svn.jboss.org/repos/seam/branches/community/Seam_2_3/

Marek Schmidt set up hudson/jenkins CI job for that SVN branch at

Credits go to Martin Genčúr for his great effort on transforming Seam 2
examples into Maven build structure.

This process will be followed by releasing 2.3.0.ALPHA

seam-dev mailing list

Nice work Marek!
Glad to hear that Seam 2 users are still getting some love!

What are the plans for the 2.3?
Is the mavenization the only goal (despite of bug fixes, of course)?

With tons of JBoss' projects migrating to Git and since you've already made the mavenization in a Git repository, why can't the development simply keep using Git from now on?

Again, nice work!


Flávio Coutinho da Costa