I have below a list of 38 open issues in Seam (excluding most of the Wicket ones as the Wicket module, from my understanding, has been pulled into the wicket project itself. If that's not the case please let me know) which are Blockers, Critical or have a high vote count (when I say "high" I mean more than two as most issues don't have many votes). I'm going to be focusing as much as I can until Beta5 on bug fixing, however, any help I can get from you would be very greatly appreciated. In help it may not exactly be a bug fix, but could be as simple as verifying an issue is still a problem. Many of these issues extend back to early in the year or even last year. Thank you very much in advance for anyone who can spare some time to help out with this. If you are able to help, please globally respond to this list so others don't end up repeating the work.