What is the reason for not continuing with the current convention of using org.jboss.seam.blah.tests?

I didn't know we had that convention ;) Though, that's pretty much the same thing as ClassUnderTest**Test.java(line#), right? Which is something you need to have for SureFire to work anyway.


On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 7:13 AM, Pete Muir <pmuir@redhat.com> wrote:
I still have a problem with this. It makes it *very* hard to differentiate quickly between a test class and a impl/api class when quickly scanning a stack trace, or a list of class names.


On 29 Apr 2010, at 06:01, Lincoln Baxter, III wrote:

> PS -- This means use a parallel test package structure :) sorry, missed the point for a second!
> On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 1:00 AM, Lincoln Baxter, III <lincolnbaxter@gmail.com> wrote:
> Yeah, that's right. Maven ensures that classes under the src/main/test/ folder are never included in the final packaged build. So using a parallel package structure to src/main/java, for example, keeps things nice and separate :)
> You can take a look at the Faces module for some more examples, but it looks like I18N is right on.
> --Lincoln
> On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 9:44 PM, Ken Finnigan <ken.finnigan@sorstech.com> wrote:
> Lincoln,
> Great first cut on testing for modules.
> One question, one comment Pete made about some testing code I had committed for the i18n module was that classes for tests should be in a "test" package as opposed to being in the same package as the main source.  Are we going with that approach or having test classes in the same package but only under different source tree?
> Ken
> On 26/04/2010 18:57, Lincoln Baxter, III wrote:
>> http://seamframework.org/Seam3/ModuleHandbook
>> http://seamframework.org/Seam3/ModuleTesting
>> This includes a few guidelines, plus step-by-step instructions for getting started writing JUnit and Arquillian tests. Please review and add/comment.
>> Thanks,
>> --
>> Lincoln Baxter, III
>> http://ocpsoft.com
>> http://scrumshark.com
>> "Keep it Simple"
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> --
> Lincoln Baxter, III
> http://ocpsoft.com
> http://scrumshark.com
> "Keep it Simple"
> --
> Lincoln Baxter, III
> http://ocpsoft.com
> http://scrumshark.com
> "Keep it Simple"
> _______________________________________________
> seam-dev mailing list
> seam-dev@lists.jboss.org
> https://lists.jboss.org/mailman/listinfo/seam-dev

Lincoln Baxter, III
"Keep it Simple"