Hi Guys,

I'm the author of the PrettyFaces extension. I just thought I would provide some explanation.
Currently, if you wish to create bookmarkable URLs in Seam, when you submit a form with validation that fails, the form URL will display the JSF view ID (eg. /faces/store/buy.jsf), at this point Seam will have to send a redirect to the browser to redirect them back to the proper URL (eg. /store/buy). This is alright, but it causes wasted bandwidth, increased client wait time, and extra CPU usage. On a high-load system, this can matter a lot.

My solution simply replaces the JSF view ID in the HTTP <form> tag with the mapped page URL. This saves a redirect on validation, and also when you wish to redisplay the same page. (it also provides some other nice features, but those aren't really important in what's different between it and Seam)

My source is available here and is licensed under the GPL3. Most of what I think you'd be interested in will be in the PrettyViewHandler class, which is ... simple. Have at it.

Let me know if you have any questions.


There is a URL rewrite filter that was introduced in Seam 2.1 to
accomplish roughly the same thing, which was implemented by Norman.
Taking a hint from JAX-RS, it's possible to define a pretty URL for a
view ID in the page descriptor that transposes path info into request

Example 1:
   <page view-id="/search.xhtml">
      <rewrite pattern="/search/{searchPattern}"/>
      <rewrite pattern="/search"/>

      <param name="searchPattern" value="#{searchService.searchPattern}"/>


Example 2:
    <page view-id="/entry.xhtml">
        <rewrite pattern="/entry/{blogEntryId}" />
        <rewrite pattern="/entry" />

        <param name="blogEntryId"

        <action execute="#{entryAction.loadBlogEntry(blogEntry.id)}"/>

So if anything, we likely want to look at what discrepancies remain
between the rewrite filter can do and what this guy is proposing.


On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 3:07 PM, Gavin King <gavin at hibernate.org> wrote:
> http://ocpsoft.com/uncategorized/jsf-get-bookmarkable-and-pretty-urls/
> Not sure what exactly they are doing, but perhaps we should steal
> code? Not sure...
> --
> Gavin King
> gavin.king at gmail.com
> http://in.relation.to/Bloggers/Gavin
> http://hibernate.org
> http://seamframework.org
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Dan Allen
Software consultant | Author of Seam in Action


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