Hi Shane,
I have managed to run (more or less, with 1 failure and 4 errors) the
new Solder testsuite on AS7 (the jbossas-managed-7 profile)
with the following changes:
1. removing the <forkMode>always</forkMode> from
testsuite/internals/jbossas/pom.xml as it breaks the MavenArtifactResolver.
The other option for this issue is to hack the MavenArtifactResolver to
deal with the way surefirebooter works with forking, see the commented
out parts in MavenArtifactResolver.java in
2. add the "Dependencies: org.jboss.logging,org.jboss.logmanager" to the
seam-logger jar manifest, as no solder test archive gets deployed on AS7
without it.
3. Upgrade arquillian.version and arquillian.jboss7.version to
1.0.0.CR4, as I get
exception with CR1 for some strange reason.
(org.jboss.seam.solder.test.el.ElTest and
org.jboss.seam.solder.test.resourceLoader.ResourceLoaderTest are broken
because the "targetContainerAdapterClass" hack doesn't work anymore.
Marek Schmidt
On 08/22/2011 11:48 AM, Shane Bryzak wrote:Guys and girls,In the interest of moving things forward, I'm going to shortly startworking on the beta 2 release. There are still some issues that we'reworking through with the multi-container testsuite configuration,however with some help I've been able to resurrect the existing tests inSolder to run in the latest version of Arquillian and I'm confident thatI can get the tests in the other modules passing successfully withouttoo much trouble. I would still like us to press on with the test suitework, however I don't want it to hold up the release schedule.Since the Beta1 release there have been a couple of important changes,which I'll quickly summarise here:1) seam-parent is now at the top of the food chain and no longerinherits its configuration from weld-parent. This change is good for acouple of reasons, first of all the disassociation from the Weld projectwill help to reinforce that Seam is CDI implementation-independent.Secondly it gives us total control over configuration for the Mavenplugins that we use, allowing us to update the plugin versions (whichI've already done, to the latest version of each plugin) and fine tunethe plugin configuration parameters for Seam.2) I've decided against moving the logging feature out of Solder andinto its own module for now, as I discovered that it was too tightlycoupled to Solder to "de-tangle" it easily. I have however refactoredthe logging API classes into their own package, org.jboss.seam.loggingwhich I think will be more intuitive for our users. I believe that theSolder reference documentation still needs to be updated in response tothe changes made for SOLDER-102(http://issues.jboss.org/browse/SOLDER-102) - Ken, could you pleaseconfirm? If so, would you be willing to update the reference docs toreflect the logging changes?I am aiming for the Beta2 release this coming weekend, which means withour 20+ modules now I need to get started pretty soon. If anyone hasany spare cycles and is able to help out with this, it would be greatlyappreciated. Each module needs to have its tests fixed, loggingrefactored to use the new logging API package, and its distributionthoroughly checked for correctness/completeness. If you'd like tovolunteer for a module or two, please catch me on IRC and we can work itout there.Thanks,Shane_______________________________________________seam-dev mailing listseam-dev@lists.jboss.orghttps://lists.jboss.org/mailman/listinfo/seam-dev
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