Hi Nick,

Ah, I hadn't seen that blog before :-)

JBoss EL supports varargs for ValueExpressions, MethodExpressions and EL functions (unfortunately, as you say, facelets doesn't, they might be interested in your patch...)


On 6 Aug 2008, at 12:51, Nicholas Hagen wrote:

http://www.ilikespam.com/blog/el-function-parameters-with-jboss-el which is linked from jsfcentral.com

That talks about being able to do things like #{bean.method(param1, param2)} within the page without having to use a MethodExpression.  It is just a standard ValueExpression (or ValueBinding for JSF 1.1) that rather than doing bean.getMethod() does bean.method(param1, param2).

I did a very similar concept, except I also added variable argument support.  I also updated Facelet functions to also support EL functions with variable args so you can do things like #{f:function(param1, param2, param3, param4, param5)} and only define the function as String concat(String... values).


On Wed, Aug 6, 2008 at 7:29 AM, Pete Muir <pete.muir@jboss.org> wrote:
Which article?

JBoss EL provides function support, but I'm confused as the syntax you use is for a MethodExpression, not a function.

On 6 Aug 2008, at 02:12, Nicholas Hagen wrote:

Not sure if this is the right list or not but I just read your article on EL function support. I wanted to let the team know I also created an EL impl with function support. My impl also includes variable argument support so that you can declare a method such as add(int.. vals) and then invoke via #{bean.add(5,3,5,4)} to return 17.  Otherwise, I think mine is fairly similar in support. Anyways does anyone have an interest in merging the two impls to get the best combination of features?


Nicholas Hagen
Z|NET Development, LLC
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