Hi Piotr,

We're currently in the process of refining the Seam 3 modules to get them into some kind of working order.  If you would like to contribute, please take a look at http://www.seamframework.org/Documentation/Seam3Modules for starters to see if there are any modules in particular that you would be interested in helping out with.  If you see any you would like to work on, we can organize for you to work with the module lead to coordinate efforts.  Here's a couple of other useful links that might be helpful:

http://www.seamframework.org/Documentation/Seam3Build - contains some information about building Seam 3 (this page needs some work and some information on it may now be outdated).

http://www.jboss.org/contribute/ - contains the contributor agreement for contributing code to JBoss projects.  You'll need to submit one of these to be able to contribute any code to the project (you'll be happy to know that the contributor agreement page is powered by Seam ;).

Any other questions please don't hesitate to ask, and finally thanks for the kind offer to help!


On 11/12/09 01:39, Piotr Steininger wrote:
Seam Team,

My name is Piotr (Peter) Steininger and I am a former Amentra/RedHat consultant living in the Washington, DC area. I've worked on a number of consulting projects using Seam 2 as a solutions architect and a tech/dev lead. I learned to love a lot of Seam's features (and got to know a lot of it inside and out), and got to experience many challenges of using Seam in (both technical and political). Since the experience I gained has been paying my bills for a while, I feel that this is the time to pay back, and invest my time and skills into Seam and Weld, which I am very excited about and want to promote for future projects.

So I'd like to contribute to Seam 3 code in some way, to accelerate the time line. I would also love to help build some solid examples (beyond booking, number guess, etc - something with hands and legs - I have a few ideas, which I'll be putting down on paper pretty soon).

I checked out the sources for modules one by one, but I can't seem to build some of them (ie. seam-bpm). Maven complains that it can't find seam-parent:3.0.0-SNAPSHOT. I found a trace of it on repository.sonatype.org (http://repository.sonatype.org/content/groups/public/org/jboss/seam/seam-parent/3.0.0-SNAPSHOT/), but no pom, just metadata.

How can I get around it?

I have to admit I am totally new to the process of contributing to open-source since I've been on consulting gigs pretty much behind closed doors, so I am not sure where to start. I tried to find some more detailed developer docs, but I probably did not dig deep enough.

I appreciate in advance any advice and direction.


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