On Sun, Feb 27, 2011 at 16:44, Gunnar Morling <gunnar.morling@googlemail.com> wrote:
+1 for making this more consistent.

+1 indeed. I'm all for consistency.

Another issue are the folder names of the examples. I think the top level folder should always be "examples", even if there is only one example atm. (I'll change this for validation). To stay consistent with the naming pattern for the actual module folders, under "examples" the names shouldn't be prefixed in any way, but have the example's name only, e.g. "helloworld". This is already the case nearly everywhere with some exclusions (e.g. international). WDYT?

The proposal for the artifact names looks good. It's a good idea to always use a concrete example name from the beginning (such as seam-validation-example-helloworld instead of seam-validation-example), also if there is only one example atm. That way the name doesn't have to be altered if other examples are added later on.

I think we should begin by updating the "gold standard", then module leads can make sure their module is consistent. Please feel empowered to correct this page if it's out of date.


Dan Allen
Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat | Author of Seam in Action
Registered Linux User #231597
