I would just like to reinforce the interest in performance tuning on the site.  

I find it to be quite slow as well.  Although, I've experienced great success with Seam, it makes it harder to sell Seam to my peers because their first experience with the framework is that the web site which Seam is running on (seamframework.org) is slow.

I'm sure it won't surprise you that the web application we did use Seam with was not slow at all.  It performed very well.

- steve roy

On Mon, Jun 1, 2009 at 12:17 PM, Gavin King <gavin.king@gmail.com> wrote:
Christian says he thinks that the problems are:

(1) the wikitext parser is slow
(2) it runs on a slow server in Europe

On Mon, Jun 1, 2009 at 6:06 AM, Ashish Tonse <ashish.tonse@gmail.com> wrote:
>   That's great news, however, I want to bring up a related concern - the
> forums (and, to a lesser extent, the rest of the seam site) are very slow.
> Pages routinely take 2-5 seconds to load, which doesn't bode well for the
> perception of the framework. I have heard comments like "why is the site so
> slow? and it's written in seam?" (and myself said similar things when I was
> first introduced to Seam)
>   From looking at the code on the site from the examples/wiki directory, it
> looks like at least many sql queries seem to be optimized -- what else could
> it be? I have explored around the code but without a good dataset that
> represents live data, can't do much more. Is there a way to get a recent
> data dump of the website DB (with all usernames/passwords/other user data
> further hashed/obfuscated, of course).
>   If this is possible, some of us could take a stab at perhaps making the
> forums faster. It'll only help with adoption/use of the forums.
> Ashish Tonse
> http://ashish.tonse.com
> @atonse
> On Sun, May 31, 2009 at 2:00 PM, Gavin King <gavin.king@gmail.com> wrote:
>> The Seam website just had its busiest month ever :-)
>> --
>> Gavin King
>> gavin.king@gmail.com
>> http://in.relation.to/Bloggers/Gavin
>> http://hibernate.org
>> http://seamframework.org
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Gavin King

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