i'm reminded of the comment "Yes I'm married.... (to my job)"
Wilkommen/Bienvenue Martin mit Tomáš
Martin --
Jogi és Bizalmassági kinyilatkoztatás/Verzicht und Vertraulichkeitanmerkung/Note de déni et de confidentialité
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To: seam-dev@lists.jboss.org
Date: Fri, 15 Jul 2011 13:19:49 +0200
From: oskutka@redhat.com
Subject: [seam-dev] New hires!
After Martin Genčúr left to EDG team, we've been struggling with lack of resources. Now I want to announce that we've hired two new people to Seam QE team. Let them introduce themselves:
Martin Kouba ['marcɪn 'kouba] (mart-yin ko-bah) - taking responsibility for CDI-TCK
"I was born and live right now in Sušice. For about eight years I try to use and understand various open source technologies. Last six years I worked as a JEE senior developer / architect at IT Systems in České Budějovice. I heavily used several JBoss community projects such as JBoss AS, Hibernate, Seam, RichFaces, RESTEasy... and that's probably what brings me to Red Hat. I like comics, ZX spectrum games, D&D miniatures and sometimes play basketball, tennis and squash."
Tomáš Remeš -- ['tomaːʃ 'rɛmɛʃ] (toe-mush reh-mesh) Working on Seam / Weld QA
"I am 25 years old. I finished the studies this year and i already have some basic experience with software development in czech company using various technologies like Seam, JSF, Spring, Wicket, Hibernate, Maven, MySQL. I like music, riding bike, playing floorball, meeting friends, travelling. I am not married yet and have no children."
Help me welcoming them and feel free to ping them on irc or write them an email (or to
seam-qa-list) if you need any
help from QE.
And you, new guys, good luck and a lot of bugs found!
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