Nice solution Ales, wish I'd thought of it :)
You could do something like this:@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked"})@Producespublic GenericQuery injectClass(InjectionPoint ip) {Annotated annotated = ip.getAnnotated();Class clazz = Object.class;Type type = annotated.getBaseType();if (type instanceof ParameterizedType) {ParameterizedType pt = (ParameterizedType) type;clazz = (Class) pt.getActualTypeArguments()[0];}return new GenericQuery(clazz);}--@InjectGenericQuery<String> gqs;@InjectGenericQuery<Number> gqn;--System.out.println("GQS: " + gqs.getClazz());System.out.println("GQN: " + gqn.getClazz());--GQS: class java.lang.StringGQN: class java.lang.Number--HTH-AlesHey guys, how you doing?I'm trying to achieve something that might be impossible, but before concluding that, I'd like to ask you, CDI gurus!I have the following class:public class Foo<T> {public TypedQuery<T> getQuery(){}}As you can Imagine, inside my getQuery method, I'd have to use "T.class" to make it TypedQuery. which is impossible due java generics type I'd have to build a private field to hold the t.class for me.public class Foo<T> {private Class<T> klass;
public TypedQuery<T> getQuery(){}public void setKlass(Class<T> klass){this.klass = klass;}}The problem is that forcing this 'setKlass' feels very ugly to the api, and it's not very error prone, since one could easily forget to set this configuration.So I had an Idea: force the setKlass inside the constructor:public class Foo<T> {private Class<T> klass;public Foo(Class<T> klass){this.klass = klass;}public TypedQuery<T> getQuery(){}}Unfortunatelly, this breaks cdi, since it cannot inject it anymore. At least AFAIK.So, is there a way out of this? maybe using a secret solder feature?_______________________________________________
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