Excellent ! I´ll code it right away !.

I would also notice that this is not a new idea, as John pointed out on IRC:

[17:49] <johnament> gastaldi: pmuir had a request in to make a "Seam Cloud" module for working with infinispan
[17:50] <johnament> SEAM-45
[17:50] <jbossbotjira [SEAM-45] Create new Seam Cache module based on Infinispan features extracted from seam-clouds [Resolved (Won't Fix) Feature Request, Major, Pete Muirhttps://issues.jboss.org/browse/SEAM-45
[17:50] <gastaldi> ah great
[17:51] <johnament> which is covered by ISPN-996
[17:51] <jbossbotjira [ISPN-996] Create an infinispan-cdi module containing integration with CDI [Open (Unresolved) Feature Request, Major, Pete Muirhttps://issues.jboss.org/browse/ISPN-996

2011/4/11 Jason Porter <lightguard.jp@gmail.com>
Create it on your github, if we all agree to pull it in, we'll fork then use the seam fork as the master.

On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 14:41, George Gastaldi <gastaldi@apache.org> wrote:

I would like to propose a new module on Seam: Seam Cache.

That module would be JSR-107 compatible (essentially Infinispan and EhCache) and would allow to:

1) @Inject Cache cache;
2) Provide a new scope @CacheScoped(regionName="xx"). That would live for the time of the cache configured by the region name itself.

The module should be tested on Inifinispan and EhCache.

What do you guys think ?



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Jason Porter

Software Engineer
Open Source Advocate
Author of Seam Catch - Next Generation Java Exception Handling

PGP key id: 926CCFF5
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