I fat fingered a property in two of the seam-gen templates, which means that we are going to have to do an SP1 for Seam 2.1.0.GA. This issue affects any schema that has a grandparent relationship. For instance, Hole -> Course -> Facility. In the process of fixing this issue, we need to expand the vehicles schema that we use to test seam-gen so it has coverage for this relationship.

Plans are to release it on Monday. There are a couple of other minor issues I want to roll in regarding executing seam on Windows. There are problems with spaces in the path and slashes on cgywin (oh how I love Windows scripts #$%).

Open question. I have prepared project files for IntelliJ IDEA so you can point and click to get your project opened (rather than going through the rather tedious Eclipse import process). Should we add these to the SP1?

The IDEA project files are configured to activate the Seam features in IDEA 8. It's important for us to acknowledge the work that have done since Seam is their #1 feature for the upcoming release and that is just good publicity.


Dan Allen
Software consultant | Author of Seam in Action


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