On 9 Dec 2008, at 02:08, Jay Balunas wrote:

Reopening issues should really be discussed in the forums or in seam-dev BEFORE reopening.

Don't reopen issues that have been rejected. Don't reopen issues that are fixed in a previous version (it screws up the issue tracking). Yes, we would like it disabled except for committers, I'll look into that.

As for closing your own jira I am not 100% sure if you can close issues without being a commiter - I'll find out and get back.  However in general only commiters should be rejecting, resolving, or closing issues.

Yes, you can close/reject your own issues.

I will add this information to the page.


2008/12/8 Francisco Jose Peredo <franciscoperedo@tabasco.gob.mx>
Oke, got it.

And since we are discussing procedures here... how about re-opening bugs? I once re-opened one of mine, and since I am not a commiter, Pete Muir wasn't very happy with me about that ;-) . Now I know I am not supposed to re-open a closed bug if I am not a commiter, but I still find it funny that the option is available for me to use... Shouldn't  the re-open option (and others) be disabled for non-commiters to prevent usage-by-mistake?



Nicklas Karlsson escribió:
You could add a comment to the JIRA. Someone will close it sooner or later.

2008/12/8 Francisco Jose Peredo <franciscoperedo@tabasco.gob.mx>:
Jay Balunas escribió:
Hello All,

I just made a small update to the site and added some information on
when and how Seam jira issues should get closed.  We are mostly all
following these procedures already, but so everyone is on the same
page I figured I would write it up.

Here is the link :

Let me know if you have any questions or comments.

What if I create a JIRA by mistake? for example for something I believed
to be a bug was not, or asking for a feature that I later realize was
already there?


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