PL 2.5 on EAP 6.1
by Claudio Miranda
Hi, I see PL quickstarts [1] they are for PL 2.5.x, and understand PL
can be used as a replacement for seam 2 security. That is what I am
I am migrating an application that currently uses seam 2 security to
authenticate, extends and inject Identity class. We are going to
remove seam security in favor for a JEE 6 stack, with no seam
However, we uses EAP 6.1, that uses PL 2.1.6.
How do you see, if I add a custom module with picketlink 2.5 and not
touching the 2.1.6 …
[View More]module.
Add j-d-s.xml to my application pointing to PL 2.5 module.
I will perform a test on this, but would like to hear from you about this.
Claudio Miranda
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11 years, 3 months
How to use PicketLink IDM with custom account type configured on AS/EAP?
by Karel Piwko
Hi All,
I'm looking for recommended setup for $subject. My use case is:
* LDAP server contains data mapped to class Developer that extends
* I want to configure PL IDM on AS/EAP level - in standalone.xml
* I want to be to map Developer from RESTEasy from JSON POST request
So far, I'm thinking of:
* Creating an jar/sar, that will contain classes I need to map deployed to
=> Would PL submodule see these entities? Or do I need to make it a …
[View More]submodule?
* Map JSON to Developer POJO - using different Developer the
=> Is there a way how to reuse Developer POJO from classes in sar?
* Create a custom CredentialsHandler
I'm wondering whether such approach is correct or I should use something
Many thanks,
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11 years, 4 months