+1, and we already support this pluggability via the permission resolver
On 08/05/13 08:23, Anil Saldhana wrote:
Also I feel we should provide pluggable means for:
a) IDM based permission model (Shane)
b) Drools based Rules Open Ended Authorization
c) XACML based Open Ended Authorization (Anil)
On 05/07/2013 04:30 PM, Anil Saldhana wrote:
> I am supportive of your ideas, Pedro.
> Unlike authentication, we need to remember that authorization is
> pretty domain specific. There is no magic bullet for
> rules/permissions. Ideally, as discussed before we should provide the
> opportunity to plug in custom authorization schemes.
> On 05/07/2013 03:12 PM, Pedro Igor Silva wrote:
>> As I have replied before, maybe the same arguments used to put the
>> DIGEST/BASIC authc filter into picketlink-api are also valid for the
>> this filter.
>> We also need to think how the configuration would be, because we need
>> to provide to the filter the URI patterns vs Roles mapping.
>> As @pmuir said, the web.xml init-params should be avoided. As an
>> alternative, we can:
>> - Provide a class like javax.ws.rs.core.Application where users
>> can override some methods to provide additional security config (we
>> can use that not only for authorization)
>> - Use a @Producer method to return a specific instance with the
>> authz configuration.
>> - Use a @Qualifier (or only some interface) in order to be able
>> to inject a specific bean that implements an interface with some
>> methods that can be used to obtain the configuration.
>> Makes sense ?
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Anil Saldhana" <Anil.Saldhana(a)redhat.com>
>> To: security-dev(a)lists.jboss.org
>> Sent: Tuesday, May 7, 2013 4:40:50 PM
>> Subject: Re: [security-dev] Authorization constructs in PicketLink3
>> Any objections to adding the access control filters to the core module?
>> On 05/02/2013 11:38 AM, Anil Saldhana wrote:
>> That is fine. Timo should be secured with PicketLink Core alone. Right
>> now, authz classes are the missing bits.
>> On 05/02/2013 10:56 AM, Pedro Igor Silva wrote:
>>> I remember Shane saying that he is going to take a look at the
>>> permissions api, mainly after the latest changes to the idm/core
>>> apis. > > I can start looking at that too, if necessary. Maybe
>>> providing some test cases to see the gaps (also provide some tests
>>> for the authentication stuff). > > ----- Original Message ----- >
>>> From: "Anil Saldhana" <Anil.Saldhana(a)redhat.com> > To:
>>> security-dev(a)lists.jboss.org > Sent: Thursday, May 2, 2013 12:31:26
>>> PM > Subject: Re: [security-dev] Authorization constructs in
>>> PicketLink3 > > Right Pete - I do mention in the thread. I was
>>> referring to users > wanting alternative authorization mechanisms
>>> such as > that driven by Drools (as in Seam2) and maybe XACML. :)
>>> Ideally, the > default authz mechanism by the rbac filter > should
>>> be the permissions module. > > On 05/02/2013 10:24 AM, Pete Muir
>>>> Isn't this what the permissions module is for (API/SPI for
>>>> authorisation)? I know it's not finished, but I think we have time
>>>> to do that for 3.0… >> >> We then add things like the RBAC
>>>> delegating to it. >> >> On 2 May 2013, at 16:21, Anil
>>>> <Anil.Saldhana(a)redhat.com> wrote: >>
>>>>> That is what I meant by pluggable. But we need to be aware of
>>>>> dependencies getting pulled into core. We >>> do not want a
>>>>> dependency on drools, for example, to use core. If users >>>
>>>>> some particular authz stuff, >>> they should be able to pull
>>>>> those dependencies. >>> >>> I do not know yet how
to get that
>>>>> done. ;) >>> >>> On 05/02/2013 09:54 AM, Pedro Igor
Silva wrote:
>>>>>> Maybe something we started with PicketBox, using Drools for
>>>>>> rule-based authz, pluggable authz managers, etc. >>>>
>>>> JBoss
>>>>>> Seam 2 also supports Drools for authorization ....
>>>> >>>>
>>>>>> ----- Original Message ----- >>>> From: "Anil
>>>>>> <Anil.Saldhana(a)redhat.com> >>>> To:
>>>>>>>>>> Sent: Thursday, May 2, 2013 11:38:40 AM
>>>> Subject: Re:
>>>>>> [security-dev] Authorization constructs in PicketLink3
>>>> >>>>
>>>>>> We have to remember the permission model work using IDM.
>>>>>>>>>> I wonder if this filter can use pluggable
>>>>>> mechanisms, then >>>> maybe the perfect start.
>>>> >>>> On
>>>>>> 05/02/2013 09:36 AM, Pedro Igor Silva wrote:
>>>>>>> I was looking at the
>>>>>>> org.picketlink.authentication.web.AuthenticationFilter. This
>>>>>>> class resides on core-api and we did it given some input from
>>>>>>> for DIGEST and BASIC authentication. >>>>>
>>>>> Wondering if
>>>>>>> the authz filter we did for TIMO does not fit in the same
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ----- Original
Message ----- >>>>> From: "Anil
>>>>>>> Saldhana" <Anil.Saldhana(a)redhat.com>
>>>>> To:
>>>>>>> security-dev(a)lists.jboss.org >>>>> Sent:
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
>>>>>>> 11:42:25 AM >>>>> Subject: [security-dev]
>>>>>>> constructs in PicketLink3 >>>>>
>>>>> Shane/Pedro - we should
>>>>>>> start discussing the constructs for >>>>>
authorization in PL3.
>>>>>>> We have a few options on the table. We need to
>>>>> figure out
>>>>>>> what we need such that for PL3 users, we have some options.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Lets use this thread to figure out the
>>>>>>> options/strategies. >>>>> >>>>>
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