On Oct 9, 2012, at 4:49 PM, Shane Bryzak wrote:
> If the goal is to make available a simple schema for just some
> developers that wanted it, the best way to do this is to provide an
> additional, optional jar file containing just the simple schema entity
> beans (call it picketlink-idm-defaultschema or something like this)
> rather than provide an entirely new implementation. This way we avoid
> the burden of having to maintain two implementations, and also avoid the
> aforementioned problem of having unwanted entity beans in the
> distribution for developers that don't want to use the simple schema.
So we go from complex to simple? Did you mean the opposite?
> On 09/10/12 23:25, Anil Saldhana wrote:
>> I think we really need 2 implementations based on JPA and ldap each.
>> One implementation supports the simple/fixed schema approach and the
>> other implementation should be fully configurable/customizable schema
>> driven implementation. The configuration builders define the
>> implementation that is returned to the user.
>> I am not game for one size fits all implementation that will send brains
>> in a roller coaster for simple usecases.
>> On 10/08/2012 07:06 PM, Shane Bryzak wrote:
>>> On 09/10/12 09:54, Douglas Campos wrote:
>>>> On Oct 8, 2012, at 8:24 PM, Shane Bryzak wrote:
>>>>> The reason I advised that we base the JPA implementation on
>>>>> JpaIdentityStore was not one to do with pride, but because its
>>>>> has been shaped by many years of developer feedback. I've got
>>>>> problem with Pedro's code (I think it's quite good actually)
however the
>>>>> design fails to address a number of requirements. Let's go
through a
>>>>> few of them in more detail:
>>>>> 1. Hard coded entities
>>>>> This is a problem for a number of reasons. First and foremost, it
>>>>> doesn't allow a developer to BYO schema. Many projects share
>>>>> databases, or are based on legacy systems that cannot be modified.
>>>>> There may be strict naming conventions in place for table and column
>>>>> names. It might be simply the case that the developer needs to
>>>>> their schema in a particular way to meet certain business
>>>>> Whatever the reason, it is very clear that we cannot dictate the
>>>>> database schema to the developer. We can certainly make
>>>>> recommendations, however this should be done via documentation, and
>>>>> possibly in an example.
>>>> I'd like to see actual numbers on greenfield vs BYO - because if
flexibility means complexity, we need to assure that we're not hurting 95% because of
the 5%
>>>> from my **anedoctal experience**, when adopting a framework, ppl allow
for some small changes to accomodate, granted they are small.
>>> This flexibility actually allows us to *simplify* the schema, believe it
>>> or not. A developer who wants the absolute most basic features is able
>>> to create a single database table to store just user, credential and
>>> attribute information, something they cannot do if we dictate the schema
>>> to them.
>>>>> 2. Partitioning
>>>>> This also stems from having a hard coded schema. Many projects may
>>>>> require users to authenticate against an LDAP directory, but
>>>>> against a database. One of the great ideas from Bolek's original
>>>>> implementation was that of FeatureSets, basically metadata which
>>>>> reflects which identity management capabilities a particular
>>>>> IdentityStore implementation supports. It allows us to store users
>>>>> one identity store, and group and role memberships in another.
>>>>> what happens when an application wants to be purely LDAP based, does
>>>>> Hibernate still try to create (or expect the existence of) the
>>>>> corresponding tables for the hard coded entity beans? What if there
>>>>> no database?
>>>>> 3. Caching
>>>>> This particular feature isn't present in Seam, however the intent
is to
>>>>> support it in PicketLink. To summarise, rather than creating a new
>>>>> User, Group or Role instance (or their various memberships) every
>>>>> time the IdentityStore would normally need to do this, we use a
>>>>> cache (distributed in the case of clustered applications) to store
>>>>> identity objects and perform the lookup from the cache instead.
>>>>> isn't possible to achieve when we have hard coded entities that
>>>>> implement the identity model interfaces. This feature requires an
>>>>> intricate coupling between IdentityManager, IdentityStore and the
>>>>> implementation.
>>>>> 4. CDI awareness
>>>>> We need to develop this module so that it will run in an SE
>>>>> so that the AS team (and others) can use it, however we need to also
>>>>> keep in mind that we need to integrate it with CDI, and the design
>>>>> should reflect that. JPACallback and JPATemplate seem to add
>>>>> unnecessary complexity which in the end still boils down to one
>>>>> EntityManager instance per JPAIdentityStore. I honestly think the
>>>>> JPAIdentityStore implementation should be stateless, in that one
>>>>> instance can service multiple (concurrent) requests (not to mention
>>>>> configuration is an expensive operation). We also need to also keep
>>>>> mind that the EntityManager could have any type of scope, with the
>>>>> obvious ones being request or conversation scoped.
>>>>> I'm happy to discuss these further, however I hope that it's
>>>>> everyone that we need to reconsider the current design.
>>>>> Shane
>>>>> On 09/10/12 02:30, Anil Saldhana wrote:
>>>>>> I want to offer continued discussion on the JPA implementation in
>>>>>> IDM project.
>>>>>> The work that Pedro did is restored here in the following
>>>>>> A testcase that is useful for JPA implementation in IDM is:
>>>>>> It is the exact mirror of the LDAP implementation:
>>>>>> These two implementations have very minimal user configuration.
>>>>>> The challenge is when users bring in complex database schemas and
>>>>>> DITs into operation. But the goal of balancing complexity with
>>>>>> usability is a tough one.
>>>>>> On 09/06/2012 10:13 AM, Anil Saldhana wrote:
>>>>>>> Similar challenges exist for LDAP bindings also, since user
>>>>>>> may be different. But we have to balance complexity with
usability. :)
>>>>>>> On 09/06/2012 07:37 AM, Pedro Igor Silva wrote:
>>>>>>>> Ok. I'll take a look how he took care of that.
>>>>>>>> Regards.
>>>>>>>> Pedro Igor
>>>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>>>> From: "Anil Saldhana"
>>>>>>>> To: security-dev(a)lists.jboss.org
>>>>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, September 5, 2012 6:52:35 PM
>>>>>>>> Subject: [security-dev] PicketLink IDM JPA Identity
>>>>>>>> Pedro,
>>>>>>>> Shane just referred me to the following:
>>>>>>>> Can you adapt your work to incorporate all facets of this
Seam work?
>>>>>>>> Shane says users have varying db schema structures and
the JPA
>>>>>>>> implementation in seam3 took care of the nuances.
>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>> Anil
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