Not a bad idea IMO. Naming will take a bit of time though as we first would need to vote
and go via legal.
On Jul 30, 2012, at 12:23 PM, Pete Muir <pmuir(a)> wrote:
Or we could give this a new name entirely, unrelated to IDM (like
Arquillian does with Drone, Graphene etc.)
e.g. PicketLink Atom
Or something like that.
This then get's around the legacy problem, the version problem etc etc.
On 30 Jul 2012, at 09:54, Shane Bryzak wrote:
> On 30/07/12 17:18, Boleslaw Dawidowicz wrote:
>> Hmm… What is the benefit over just starting working on 2.x in current
picketlink-idm master and leave previous branches? I think you still have two issues:
>> - A lot of artefacts released to maven repo. You will need to define different
artefact names to avoid collisions but then it will still be very difficult to avoid
confusion. People already have a problem with understanding that "PicketLink" is
an umbrella project and very often refer to either "PicketLink Federation" or
"PicketLink IDM" as just "PicketLink. If they now find both
"org.picketlink.idm:picketlink-idm-api" and "org.picketlink.idm:api: or
org:picketlink.idm:api jars with same version it will create confusion. Then if we start
from 2.x version - I'm not sure what does it bring to rename old repo to legacy in
such scenario. you just get rid of few old branches and tags. Btw. I branched what need
to be branched so picketlink-idm master is ready to be nuked.
> I'm happy to do it that way, my only concern was that there will be major API
breakage between the two versions hence the separation. If the current picketlink-idm is
already branched and there's no problem nuking master, then we can place the new
project in the same repo.
>> - You would need to do the same with JIRA or you need to deal with same problem.
Because PicketLink IDM was only really consumed by GateIn JIRA is a bit left behind - so
quite easy to cleanup.
> Good point, I hadn't considered JIRA.
>> Could you write more how would you deal with those as part of repo renaming?
>> Btw. I'm still holding the official "PicketLink IDM Component
Lead". Because of my GateIn/EPP duties I don't think I will be able to spent as
much time as Shane on development - even though me and Marek Posolda will try to help as
much as possible. Therefore I think it may be better for Shane to take over the official
title as this will be reflecting current reality anyway - no issue on my side :) I just
need to keep control of existing 1.x branches of PicketLink IDM as this is what we still
rely on in GateIn Portal and what we ship in EPP.
>> Bolek
>> On Jul 30, 2012, at 4:32 AM, Shane Bryzak <sbryzak(a)> wrote:
>>> Hey guys,
>>> I'm just looking at the infrastructure we have for doing this, currently
in the PicketLink github repo [1] we have picketlink-idm and cdi repositories set up. I
propose that we rename picketlink-idm to picketlink-idm-legacy to make way for the new
picketlink-idm, and rename cdi to picketlink-cdi (this module will then contain all the
CDI and DeltaSpike integration for PicketLink IDM, plus some authorization features such
as ACLs and permission management). Are there any objections to this?
>>> Shane
>>> [1]
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