Btw we have been using picketbox-cdi, which I guess was moved[1] to

Any chance of a picketlink-extensions release?


"The measure of a man is what he does with power" - Plato
Volenti Nihil Difficile

On Tuesday, January 22, 2013 at 1:52 PM, Anil Saldhana wrote:

On 01/22/2013 09:29 AM, Bruno Oliveira wrote:
Great guys, congratulations. Few questions:

- is the correct place to report bugs?

- What is the correct fix version? PLINK_3.0.0? How is possible to distinguish the issues between M1 and M2 for example? Would be nice switch the artifacts to 3.0.0.M2 for example.
For now, please file it under PLINK_3.0.0

- The dates on the roadmap ( are still valid ?
Valid as of right now.  If we have delays, will communicate on the list.

Why am I asking? To coordinate the dates on AeroGear.
Is there a document where we can see the Aerogear dates?

"The measure of a man is what he does with power" - Plato
Volenti Nihil Difficile

On Tuesday, January 22, 2013 at 12:45 PM, Pedro Igor Silva wrote:

Hi All,

Today, we released a new timed version for the PicketLink IDM project. The documentation and quickstarts are being elaborated, but you can always check the test cases for a lot of usage examples.


The code bellow shows how to quick start using the file-based store:

// initialization code
IdentityConfiguration config = new IdentityConfiguration();
config.addStoreConfiguration(new FileIdentityStoreConfiguration());

IdentityManager identityManager = new DefaultIdentityManager();

identityManager.bootstrap(config, new DefaultIdentityStoreInvocationContextFactory());
// let's create some users, roles and groups.
User user = new SimpleUser("someUser");
user.setAttribute(new Attribute<String>("someAttribute", "someValue"));
Role role = new SimpleRole("someRole");

Group group = new SimpleGroup("someGroup");
// let's create some relationships
identityManager.grantRole(user, role);
identityManager.addToGroup(user, group);
identityManager.grantGroupRole(user, role, group);

This is the first version that supports all major features, including: (for the JPA and File identity stores, only)

- Identity Types Management (Common functionality for User, Group and Roles)
- Create, Update and Remove
- Custom attributes
- Queries can be done using all suported parameters. Including custom attributes.
- Organization by Partition (Realm or Tiers)

- Relationship
- Create, Update and Remove
- Custom attributes
- Queries can be done using all supported parameters. Including custom attributes.
- Supports custom Relationships (user-defined)
- Provided Relationships:
- Grant (User x Roles: User has Role )
- GroupRole (User x Group x Role: User has Role as member of Group)
- GroupMembership (User x Group: User is member of Group)

- Credential

- Password
- Digest
- Certificate
- Credential expiration

- Partition

- Create and Remove Realm
- Create and Remove Partition
- Contextualized IdentityManager for Partition (forRealm and forTier methods)
- Query Identity Types by Partition
- Considering all requirements for Realm and Tiers (*Check with Shane*)

- Query Support

- Pagination and result count

Any feedback would be appreciated.

Pedro Igor
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