I am discussing with DML on Java Security Manager implications for JBoss
Modules and AS8.
I think right after this, the discussion on the AS8 subsystems can start.
On 02/21/2013 08:31 AM, Bill Burke wrote:
When you guys get something relatively usable, I'd like to port
OAuth2 work to it.
On 2/20/2013 11:43 AM, Anil Saldhana wrote:
> Hi All,
> the AS community work has moved on to AS8 which will primarily target
> Java EE7. This also means that we can actually take a look at changing
> the Security subsystem in the AS and incorporate changes that will help
> usability and deprecate functionality that are seldom used/low priority.
> Stefan, Darran and I have been discussing a few approaches in the last
> few weeks. Some of the major changes that may affect the design is the
> deprecation of JAAS as primary authentication approach and bring in more
> of PicketLink IDM to the forefront.
> We can use this mailing list for discussions on AS8 security or we can
> use the AS7 dev list or do it in the forums.
> Regards,
> Anil