On Oct 9, 2012, at 7:52 PM, Shane Bryzak wrote:
On 10/10/12 08:05, Douglas Campos wrote:
> On Oct 9, 2012, at 4:49 PM, Shane Bryzak wrote:
>> If the goal is to make available a simple schema for just some
>> developers that wanted it, the best way to do this is to provide an
>> additional, optional jar file containing just the simple schema entity
>> beans (call it picketlink-idm-defaultschema or something like this)
>> rather than provide an entirely new implementation. This way we avoid
>> the burden of having to maintain two implementations, and also avoid the
>> aforementioned problem of having unwanted entity beans in the
>> distribution for developers that don't want to use the simple schema.
> So we go from complex to simple? Did you mean the opposite?
I don't understand the question, sorry?
Optional jar file for the simple schema? shouldn't it be the opposite?
-- qmx