On 28 Mar 2013, at 15:54, Pedro Igor Silva <psilva(a)redhat.com> wrote:
I would suggest:
- Java SE IDM Examples:
- Programmatic Configuration for the different Identity Stores
- Basic and Advanced Use Cases for U/R/G management. With and without Partitions
(Realm and Tiers)
We probably want to focus on EAP for this.
- Java EE Examples:
- CDI + JSF 2: Using PicketLink Core for Authentication, Authorization and IDM.
- User self registration
- User/Group/Role management + relationships.
- Authentication based on different Realms
- Authorization
This is probably 4 quickstarts :-)
We might want to look at offering these using REST as well, in order to provide probably
another 4 quickstarts.
This will make a great starting list, and is probably enough for us to start on.
Showcase apps - let's focus on adding PicketLink to TicketMonster for now.
We also have a lot of test cases that can be used to understand the IDM
Pedro Igor
----- Original Message -----
From: "Anil Saldhana" <Anil.Saldhana(a)redhat.com>
To: security-dev(a)lists.jboss.org
Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2013 11:50:25 AM
Subject: [security-dev] JBossWay: Quickstarts and Demos
Hi All,
I wanted to brainstorm here to collect a set of quickstarts and demos
we can have for PicketLink v3 release. I am hoping Pete can guide us on
this from JBossWay perspective.
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