The plan is to validate TODO Aerogear app using PL Extensions. That should be a day or two. After that we can do a timed release of PL extensions project.

By the way,  can you pass me the Aerogear source files (git links) where PB CDI is used?  I just want to see the usage.  That will tell me if we are missing something in PL Ext.

If your usage is just the TODO app, then never mind.

On 01/22/2013 12:50 PM, Bruno Oliveira wrote:
Btw we have been using picketbox-cdi, which I guess was moved[1] to

Any chance of a picketlink-extensions release?


"The measure of a man is what he does with power" - Plato
Volenti Nihil Difficile

On Tuesday, January 22, 2013 at 1:52 PM, Anil Saldhana wrote:

On 01/22/2013 09:29 AM, Bruno Oliveira wrote:
Great guys, congratulations. Few questions:

- is the correct place to report bugs?

- What is the correct fix version? PLINK_3.0.0? How is possible to distinguish the issues between M1 and M2 for example? Would be nice switch the artifacts to 3.0.0.M2 for example.
For now, please file it under PLINK_3.0.0

- The dates on the roadmap ( are still valid ?
Valid as of right now.  If we have delays, will communicate on the list.

Why am I asking? To coordinate the dates on AeroGear.
Is there a document where we can see the Aerogear dates?

"The measure of a man is what he does with power" - Plato
Volenti Nihil Difficile

On Tuesday, January 22, 2013 at 12:45 PM, Pedro Igor Silva wrote:

Hi All,

Today, we released a new timed version for the PicketLink IDM project. The documentation and quickstarts are being elaborated, but you can always check the test cases for a lot of usage examples.


The code bellow shows how to quick start using the file-based store:

// initialization code
IdentityConfiguration config = new IdentityConfiguration();
config.addStoreConfiguration(new FileIdentityStoreConfiguration());

IdentityManager identityManager = new DefaultIdentityManager();

identityManager.bootstrap(config, new DefaultIdentityStoreInvocationContextFactory());
// let's create some users, roles and groups.
User user = new SimpleUser("someUser");
user.setAttribute(new Attribute<String>("someAttribute", "someValue"));
Role role = new SimpleRole("someRole");

Group group = new SimpleGroup("someGroup");
// let's create some relationships
identityManager.grantRole(user, role);
identityManager.addToGroup(user, group);
identityManager.grantGroupRole(user, role, group);

This is the first version that supports all major features, including: (for the JPA and File identity stores, only)

- Identity Types Management (Common functionality for User, Group and Roles)
- Create, Update and Remove
- Custom attributes
- Queries can be done using all suported parameters. Including custom attributes.
- Organization by Partition (Realm or Tiers)

- Relationship
- Create, Update and Remove
- Custom attributes
- Queries can be done using all supported parameters. Including custom attributes.
- Supports custom Relationships (user-defined)
- Provided Relationships:
- Grant (User x Roles: User has Role )
- GroupRole (User x Group x Role: User has Role as member of Group)
- GroupMembership (User x Group: User is member of Group)

- Credential

- Password
- Digest
- Certificate
- Credential expiration

- Partition

- Create and Remove Realm
- Create and Remove Partition
- Contextualized IdentityManager for Partition (forRealm and forTier methods)
- Query Identity Types by Partition
- Considering all requirements for Realm and Tiers (*Check with Shane*)

- Query Support

- Pagination and result count

Any feedback would be appreciated.

Pedro Igor