Having following scenario:
Deploy a SY application containing a KieContainer based component. Invoke the service on the component. Undeploy the application. Modify the KieModule it uses and install it to Maven repo. Deploy the application again. Invoke the service on the component. The KieContainer hasn't scanned for the updated KieModule and has loaded the KieModule that was loaded during previous deployment.
How to reproduce: Use a reproducer from SWITCHYARD-2240.
mvn verify - you will see "expected:<[Modified ]Ciao second!> but was:<[]Ciao second!>" mvn verify - you will see "expected:<[]Hello first!> but was:<[Modified ]Hello first!>" instead of the previous message
If you restart a server between runs, then it works as expected (doesn't work as expected ).
It might be related to SWITCHYARD-2037.