As of SWITCHYARD-830, there is a new configuration element in the domain model.
core/config/src/main/resources/org/switchyard/config/model/switchyard/v1/switchyard-v1.xsd has been updated to reflect this.
Basically, the <domain> element now can have 0..1 <security> element child (it is optional).
The <security> element has two (2) new attributes, BOTH are also optional:
The callbackHandler attribute represents a java class which is required to implement
The moduleName attribute can be any string. At runtime, it would match a <security-domain name="moduleName">...</security-domain> section in JBoss AS7's standalone.xml, however I don't see how this would be checked in the tooling. Probably not.
The <security> element can support 0..1 <properties> child, which in turn can support 0..* <property> children, just like the <domain> element can. In the XML schema (switchyard-v1.xsd), it is the SAME <properties> element type that can be used in either place.
Here is a pseudo-example:
<property name="foo" value="bar"/>
<security callbackHandler="" moduleName="other">
<property name="baz" value="whiz"/>