This was discovered due to a customer issue raised by Mus. For some reason, the Java facet gets stuck.
Here's how I reproduced it:
1) In an Eclipse Kepler workbench with Java 1.7 and a 1.7 JRE as defaults, create a new SwitchYard project. 2) After the project builds, check the Java version in the Project Facets page (in the Project properties). Despite the fact that the workbench default is 1.7, the facet is set to 1.6.
That's one angle. Another way is to:
1) Create a SwitchYard project. 2) Delete the project (but don't delete it from the file system) 3) In the file system, delete the *. files (.settings folder, .xml folder (if it exists), .classpath and .project files) 4) Import the project (using the Existing Maven Projects wizard) 5) Note the facet version, which should be the same as the default for the workbench (1.7) but is reset to 1.6.
I suspect this is because in the pom.xml, the default source & target configuration for the maven-compiler-plugin are both set to 1.6, so the project is automagically reset to that each time in Eclipse.