With SWITCHYARD-2365, we have added a new "Add Transformer" option that allows users to create ad hoc transformers in the SwitchyYard configuration beyond (or including) the required ones. The wizard that creates required transformers is still there, but the new wizard is more open and freeform so users can create interim transformations and then map back and forth between them.
What we need is the ability to Browse the SwitchYard project for both Java types and XML (XSD, DTD, WSDL) types. This will require two different browse dialogs - one for browsing classes in the project and the other where you specify a file and get a list of available types from there.
We may be able to use something out of Eclipse WST to handle this (for example, when you create a new xml document you can specify the root element type, which hints at better support for types). Hopefully those bits are relatively reusable.