While working on SWITCHYARD-2269, it became very clear that we have some issues with the implementation UI in the tooling. As an example, if you type in a field in the Knowledge Container resource UI (General tab of the Rules implementation composite), we're back to where the cursor flips to the beginning of the field with every keystroke.
So "class" becomes "ssalc" and largely unreadable or at the very least very frustrating to your user.
We took care of this on the Binding side by migrating to the Eclipse data binding framework. I think we need to do this same thing for Implementations and anywhere else in the tooling we are allowing the user to modify text in the Properties View or Property Dialog (it's more noticeable in the view than the dialog).
Unfortunately this is NOT going to be a quick change. But thankfully we don't have as many implementations to migrate as we did Bindings.