I tried to install SNAPSHOT of bpel-console into new instance of EAP 6.3.0.GA from release/installer project with the following command but i failed. ant install-bpel-console
Following url does not contain swicthyard-tools: http://downloads.jboss.org/switchyard/releases/v2.0.SNAPSHOT/switchyard-tools-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT.zip (URL is specified here)
I tried to use alternative commented URL and installation was successful. https://hudson.jboss.org/hudson/job/SwitchYard-Release/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/tools/dist/target/switchyard-tools.zip
Then I tried to start EAP and it failed with the following error:
13:17:15,548 ERROR [org.picketlink.common] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 54) Exception creating TrustKeyManager:: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: PL00085: Class Not Loaded:org.overlord.commons.auth.saml.sp.OverlordSPKeyStoreKeyManager
I will enclose all the EAP log.
Is the alternative URL correct? If so, why starting of EAP with bpel-console failed?