... |
Syntax Rules: |
* The parameter must be a non-quoted identifier - it cannot contain spaces. |
* The parameter must be an identifier - it can contain spaces or other special characters only if quoted. |
* The value may be either a non-quoted identifier or a quoted string literal value. |
... |
Execution properties may also be set on the connection by using the SET statement. The SET statement is not yet a language feature of Teiid and is handled only in the JDBC client.
SET Syntax:
Syntax Rules:
The SET statement is most commonly used to control planning and execution.
Statement s = connection.createStatement(); s.execute("SET SHOWPLAN DEBUG"); ... Statement s1 = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = s1.executeQuery("select col from table"); ResultSet planRs = s1.exeuteQuery("SHOW PLAN"); planRs.next(); String debugLog = planRs.getString("DEBUG_LOG");
The SET statement may also be used to control authorization. A SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION statement will perform a Reauthentication given the credentials currently set on the connection. The connection credentials may be changed by issuing a SET PASSWORD statement. A SET PASSWORD statement does not perform a reauthentication.
Statement s = connection.createStatement(); s.execute("SET PASSWORD 'someval'"); s.execute("SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION 'newuser'");