Spatial functions provide functionality for working with [geospatial|] data. |
h1. Conversion Functions h2. ST_GeomFromText Returns a geometry from a Clob in WKT format. {code:SQL}ST_GeomFromText(text){code} text is a clob. Return value is xml. h2. ST_GeomFromBinary h2. ST_AsText h2. ST_AsBinary h1. Relationship Functions h2. ST_CONTAINS h2. ST_CROSSES h2. ST_DISJOINT h2. ST_DISTANCE h2. ST_INTERSECTS h2. ST_OVERLAPS h2. ST_TOUCHES |
Spatial functions provide functionality for working with geospatial data.
Returns a geometry from a Clob in WKT format.
text is a clob. Return value is xml.