... |
* After coding the functions you should compile the Java code into a Java Archive (JAR) file. |
h3. Using Designer |
h3. Designer Specific |
The JAR file needs be attached along with the VDB file under "lib" directory on the VDB archive file. |
The JAR file may be placed in your VDB under the "/lib" directory. It will automatically be used for the VDB classloader classpath when deployed. |
h3. Dynamic VDB |
h3. AS Module |
Create a JBoss AS module with the JAR file under _<jboss-as>/modules_ directory and define the module on the \-vdb.xml file as shown below example |
... |
... </vdb> |
{code} |
{code}The lib property value may contain a space delimited list of module names if more than one dependency is needed. |
To define a non-pushdown function, a Java function must be provided that matches the metadata supplied either in the Designer or Dynamic VDB defined metadata. User Defined Function (or UDF) and User Defined Aggregate Function (or UDAF) may be called at runtime just like any other function or aggregate function respectively.
A user defined function created on any VDB on view model by creating a Function just as a base table. You would require all the information defined on User Defined Functions to create a UDF. Make sure you provide the JAVA code implementation details in the properties dialog for the UDF.
When defining the metadata using DDL in the Dynamic VDBs, user can define a UDF or UDAF (User Defined Aggregate Function) as shown below.
<vdb name="{vdb-name}" version="1"> <model name="{model-name}" type="VIRTUAL"> <metadata type="DDL"><![CDATA[ CREATE VIRTUAL FUNCTION celsiusToFahrenheit(celsius decimal) RETURNS decimal OPTIONS (JAVA_CLASS 'org.something.TempConv', JAVA_METHOD 'celsiusToFahrenheit'); CREATE VIRTUAL FUNCTION sumAll(arg integer) RETURNS integer OPTIONS (JAVA_CLASS 'org.something.SumAll', JAVA_METHOD 'addInput', AGGREGATE 'true', VARARGS 'true', "NULL-ON-NULL" 'true'); ]]> </metadata> </model> </vdb>
You must create a Java method that contains the function’s logic. This Java method should accept the necessary arguments, which the Teiid System will pass to it at runtime, and function should return the calculated or altered value.
See DDL Metadata for all possible options related to functions defined via DDL.
The number of input arguments and types must match the function metadata defined in Designer or on Dynamic VDB metadata.
Code Requirements For UDFs
One implementation class can contain more than one UDF implementation methods. |
Code Requirements For UDAFs
Other Considerations
package org.something; public class TempConv { /** * Converts the given Celsius temperature to Fahrenheit, and returns the * value. * @param doubleCelsiusTemp * @return Fahrenheit */ public static Double celsiusToFahrenheit(Double doubleCelsiusTemp) { if (doubleCelsiusTemp == null) { return null; } return (doubleCelsiusTemp)*9/5 + 32; } }
package org.something; public static class SumAll implements UserDefinedAggregate<Integer> { private boolean isNull = true; private int result; public void addInput(Integer... vals) { isNull = false; for (int i : vals) { result += i; } } @Override public Integer getResult(org.teiid.CommandContext commandContext) { if (isNull) { return null; } return result; } @Override public void reset() { isNull = true; result = 0; } }
package org.something; public class SessionInfo { /** * @param context * @return the created Timestamp */ public static Timestamp sessionCreated(CommandContext context) { return new Timestamp(context.getSession().getCreatedTime()); } }
The corresponding UDF would be declared as Timestamp sessionCreated().
The JAR file may be placed in your VDB under the "/lib" directory. It will automatically be used for the VDB classloader classpath when deployed.
Create a JBoss AS module with the JAR file under <jboss-as>/modules directory and define the module on the -vdb.xml file as shown below example
<vdb name="{vdb-name}" version="1"> <property name ="lib" value ="{module-name}" /> ... </vdb>
The lib property value may contain a space delimited list of module names if more than one dependency is needed.