... |
* expression - the text content to process, which should be convertible to CLOB. |
* SELECTOR is used with files containing multiple types of rows (example: order header, detail, summary). A TEXTTABLE SELECTOR specifies which lines to include in the output. Matching lines must begin with the selector string. The selector in column delimited files must be followed by the column delimiter. |
* SELECTOR is a means for specifying the different types of rows, when more than 1 type exist for the data (example: order header, detail, summary). It specifies which delimited lines to include if the line begins with the selector string followed by a delimiter. The selector value is a valid column value. ** If a TEXTTABLE SELECTOR is specified, a SELECTOR may also be specified for column values. A column SELECTOR argument will select the nearest preceding text line with the given SELECTOR prefix and select the value at the given 1-based integer position (which includes the selector itself). If no such text line or position with a given line exists, a null value will be produced. A column SELECTOR is not valid with fixed width parsing. | !
* NO ROW DELIMITER indicates that fixed parsing should not assume the presence of newline row delimiters. |
... |
The FROM clause specifies the target table(s) for SELECT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements.
Example Syntax:
From clause hints are typically specified in a comment block preceding the affected clause. If multiple hints apply to that clause, the hints should be placed in the same comment block.
FROM /*+ MAKEDEP PRESERVE */ (tbl1 inner join tbl2 inner join tbl3 on tbl2.col1 = tbl3.col1 on tbl1.col1 = tbl2.col1), tbl3 WHERE tbl1.col1 = tbl2.col1
MAKEIND, MAKEDEP, and MAKENOTDEP are hints used to control dependent join behavior. They should only be used in situations where the optimizer does not choose the most optimal plan based upon query structure, metadata, and costing information. The hints may appear in a comment that proceeds the from clause. The hints can be specified against any from clause, not just a named table.
NO_UNNEST can be specified against a subquery from clause or view to instruct the planner to not merge the nested SQL in the surrounding query - also known as view flattening. This hint only applies to Teiid planning and is not passed to source queries. NO_UNNEST may appear in a comment that proceeds the from clause.
The PRESERVE hint can be used against an ANSI join tree to preserve the structure of the join rather than allowing the Teiid optimizer to reorder the join. This is similar in function to the Oracle ORDERED or MySQL STRAIGHT_JOIN hints.
FROM /*+ PRESERVE */ (tbl1 inner join tbl2 inner join tbl3 on tbl2.col1 = tbl3.col1 on tbl1.col1 = tbl2.col1)
Nested tables may appear in the FROM clause with the TABLE keyword. They are an alternative to using a view with normal join semantics. The columns projected from the command contained in the nested table may be used just as any of the other FROM clause projected columns in join criteria, the where clause, etc.
A nested table may have correlated references to preceding FROM clause column references as long as INNER and LEFT OUTER joins are used. This is especially useful in cases where then nested expression is a procedure or function call.
Valid example:
select * from t1, TABLE(call proc(t1.x)) t2
Invalid example, since t1 appears after the nested table in the from clause:
select * from TABLE(call proc(t1.x)) t2, t1
![]() | Multiple Execution The usage of a correlated nested table may result in multiple executions of the table expression - once for each correlated row. |
The TEXTTABLE function processes character input to produce tabular ouptut. It supports both fixed and delimited file format parsing. The function itself defines what columns it projects. The TEXTTABLE function is implicitly a nested table and may be correlated to preceding FROM clause entries.
TEXTTABLE(expression [SELECTOR string] COLUMNS <COLUMN>, ... [NO ROW DELIMITER] [DELIMITER char] [(QUOTE|ESCAPE) char] [HEADER [integer]] [SKIP integer]) AS name
Where <COLUMN>
COLUMN := name (FOR ORDINALITY | datatype [WIDTH integer [NO TRIM]] [SELECTOR string integer])
SELECT * FROM TEXTTABLE(UNESCAPE('col1,col2,col3\na,b,c') COLUMNS col2 string HEADER) x
SELECT * FROM TEXTTABLE(UNESCAPE('abc\ndef') COLUMNS col1 string width 1, col2 string width 1, col3 string width 1) x
SELECT * FROM TEXTTABLE('a:,,b' COLUMNS col1 string, col2 string ESCAPE ':') x
SELECT x.* FROM t, TEXTTABLE(t.clobcolumn COLUMNS first string, second date SKIP 1) x
SELECT * FROM TEXTTABLE('a,b\nc,d\nc,f' SELECTOR 'c' COLUMNS col1 string, col2 string col3 string SELECTOR 'a' 2) x
The XMLTABLE function uses XQuery to produce tabular ouput. The XMLTABLE function is implicitly a nested table and may be correlated to preceding FROM clause entries. XMLTABLE is part of the SQL/XML 2006 specification.
XMLTABLE([<NSP>,] xquery-expression [<PASSING>] [COLUMNS <COLUMN>, ... )] AS name
COLUMN := name (FOR ORDINALITY | (datatype [DEFAULT expression] [PATH string]))
See XMLELEMENT for the definition of NSP - XMLNAMESPACES.
See XMLQUERY for the definition of PASSING.
![]() | See also XQuery Optimization |
Use of passing, returns 1 row [1]:
select * from xmltable('/a' PASSING xmlparse(document '<a id="1"/>') COLUMNS id integer PATH '@id') x
As a nested table:
select x.* from t, xmltable('/x/y' PASSING t.doc COLUMNS first string, second FOR ORDINALITY) x