The [PartialResultsWarning |]javadoc says to get the warning from the ResultSet instead of the Statement. Based on my tests (with 8.11.3) and what's written here, I believe that is wrong. Do custom translators need to do anything special to get partial results mode to return PartialResultsWarning? I'm trying to relay source failure information up to my app in this scenario, but I am only getting TeiidSQLWarning caused by TeiidException (with originalType set to SourceWarning and my original exception) and source/model fields are null. Otherwise, partialResultsMode appears to be working. I will try to reproduce on a newer Teiid version and write a JIRA; just wondering if I'm missing something. |
Edit: Oops, posted on wrong version of this page. Reposted [here|]. Sorry about that\! |
Edit: Oops, posted on wrong version of this page. Reposted here. Sorry about that!