h1. SYS.getXMLSchemas |
Returns a resultset with a single column, schema, containing the schemas as clobs. xml. |
{code:SQL}SYS.getXMLSchemas(document in string) returns schema string{code} |
{code:SQL}SYS.getXMLSchemas(IN document string NOT NULL) RETURNS TABLE (schema xml){code} |
... |
Log a message to the underlying logging system. {code:SQL} |
SYSADMIN.logMsg(logged RETURN boolean, level IN string, context IN string, msg IN object) |
SYSADMIN.logMsg(OUT logged boolean NOT NULL RESULT, IN level string NOT NULL DEFAULT 'DEBUG', IN context string NOT NULL DEFAULT 'org.teiid.PROCESSOR', IN msg object NOT NULL) |
{code} |
... |
Tests if logging is enabled at the given level and context. {code:SQL} |
SYSADMIN.isLoggable(loggable RETURN boolean, level IN string, context IN string) |
SYSADMIN.isLoggable(OUT loggable boolean NOT NULL RESULT, IN level string NOT NULL DEFAULT 'DEBUG', IN context string NOT NULL DEFAULT 'org.teiid.PROCESSOR') |
{code} |
... |
{code:SQL} |
SYSADMIN.refreshMatView(RowsUpdated return integer, ViewName in string, Invalidate in boolean) |
SYSADMIN.refreshMatView(OUT RowsUpdated integer NOT NULL RESULT, IN ViewName string NOT NULL, IN Invalidate boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT 'false') |
{code} |
... |
{code:SQL} |
SYSADMIN.refreshMatViewRow(RowsUpdated return integer, ViewName in string, Key in object) |
SYSADMIN.refreshMatViewRow(OUT RowsUpdated integer NOT NULL RESULT, IN ViewName string NOT NULL, IN Key object NOT NULL) |
{code} |
... |
Set statistics for the given table. {code:SQL} |
SYSADMIN.setTableStats(TableName in string, Cardinality in integer) |
SYSADMIN.setTableStats(IN tableName string NOT NULL, IN cardinality long NOT NULL) |
{code} |
h2. SYSADMIN.setColumnStats Set statistics for the given column. {code:SQL} |
SYSADMIN.setColumnStats(TableName in string, ColumnName in string, DistinctCount in integer, NullCount in integer, Max in string, Min in string) |
SYSADMIN.setColumnStats(IN tableName string NOT NULL, IN columnName string NOT NULL, IN distinctCount long, IN nullCount long, IN max string, IN min string) |
{code} |
... |
{code:SQL} |
SYSADMIN.setProperty(OldValue return clob, Uid in string, Name in string, Value in clob) |
SYSADMIN.setProperty(OUT OldValue clob NOT NULL RESULT, IN UID string NOT NULL, IN Name string NOT NULL, IN "Value" clob) |
{code} |
... |
Returns a resultset with a single column, schema, containing the schemas as xml.
SYS.getXMLSchemas(IN document string NOT NULL) RETURNS TABLE (schema xml)
Log a message to the underlying logging system.
SYSADMIN.logMsg(OUT logged boolean NOT NULL RESULT, IN level string NOT NULL DEFAULT 'DEBUG', IN context string NOT NULL DEFAULT 'org.teiid.PROCESSOR', IN msg object NOT NULL)
Returns true if the message was logged. level can be one of the log4j levels: OFF, FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE. level defaults to 'DEBUG' and context defaults to 'org.teiid.PROCESSOR'
CALL SYSADMIN.logMsg(msg=>'some debug', context=>'org.something')
This will log the message 'some debug' at the default level DEBUG to the context org.something.
Tests if logging is enabled at the given level and context.
SYSADMIN.isLoggable(OUT loggable boolean NOT NULL RESULT, IN level string NOT NULL DEFAULT 'DEBUG', IN context string NOT NULL DEFAULT 'org.teiid.PROCESSOR')
Returns true if logging is enabled. level can be one of the log4j levels: OFF, FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE. level defaults to 'DEBUG' and context defaults to 'org.teiid.PROCESSOR'
IF ((CALL SYSADMIN.isLoggable(context=>'org.something')) BEGIN DECLARE STRING msg; // logic to build the message ... CALL SYSADMIN.logMsg(msg=>msg, context=>'org.something') END
Returns integer RowsUpdated. -1 indicates a load is in progress, otherwise the cardinality of the table is returned. See the Caching Guide for more.
SYSADMIN.refreshMatView(OUT RowsUpdated integer NOT NULL RESULT, IN ViewName string NOT NULL, IN Invalidate boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT 'false')
Returns integer RowsUpdated. -1 indicates the materialized table is currently invalid. 0 indicates that the specified row did not exist in the live data query or in the materialized table. See the Caching Guide for more.
SYSADMIN.refreshMatViewRow(OUT RowsUpdated integer NOT NULL RESULT, IN ViewName string NOT NULL, IN Key object NOT NULL)
A MetadataRepository must be configured to make a non-temporary metadata update persistent. See the Developer's Guide Runtime Metadata Updates section for more. |
Set statistics for the given table.
SYSADMIN.setTableStats(IN tableName string NOT NULL, IN cardinality long NOT NULL)
Set statistics for the given column.
SYSADMIN.setColumnStats(IN tableName string NOT NULL, IN columnName string NOT NULL, IN distinctCount long, IN nullCount long, IN max string, IN min string)
All stat values are nullable. Passing a null stat value will leave corresponding metadata value unchanged.
Set an extension metadata property for the given record. Extension metadata is typically used by Translators.
SYSADMIN.setProperty(OUT OldValue clob NOT NULL RESULT, IN UID string NOT NULL, IN Name string NOT NULL, IN "Value" clob)
Setting a value to null will remove the property.
CALL SYSADMIN.setProperty(uid=>(SELECT uid FROM TABLES WHERE name='tab'), name=>'some name', value=>'some value')
This will set the property 'some name'='some value' on table tab.
The use of this procedure will not trigger replanning of associated prepared plans.