Met vriendelijke groet/Kind regards,

Red Hat BV

Cojan van Ballegooijen
Building The Entree II
De Entree 238
1101 EE Amsterdam
tel: +31 20 5651225
mob: +31 6 21261996

On Mon, Dec 5, 2016 at 9:48 PM, Barry Lafond <> wrote:

Teiid Designer 11.0 is now available.

This release is compatible with

  • Teiid 9.0
  • Eclipse 4.6 - Neon
  • JBoss Developer Studio 10.0/10.1

In addition to the platform upgrades, bug fixes and improvements there is a new feature that simplifies setting up your views for materialization.

For details see:

Teiid Tooling Project Team