I would rather see us go take upon the larges issues you listed like DDL
based schema definition and leave the minor ones as is, as once DDL
feature implemented, it will change the vdb.xml anyway.
On 03/05/2013 10:52 AM, Steven Hawkins wrote:
For 8.4 planning I'd like to solicit ideas about incremental
improvements we could make to our vdb.xml (of course we'd want to make the changes
backwards compatible). This would include minor things like:
- better property keys for example "UseConnectorMetadata" - which isn't
necessarily needed in its present form
- allowing the use of element text as an alternative to an attribute for a property
- terminology changes, such as model->schema
To larger things like:
- how/should we get the ddl memory footprint down
- future proof to allow for ddl based schema declarations
Is there anything to add/remove from these? We'll rollup the result into a JIRA.
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