Teiid Designer 6.2 MS2
by Barry Lafond
In support of the Teiid 6.2 release, we've integrated the latest MS2 Teiid embedded into Teiid Designer.
There has been no new features development for this release and you shouldn't see any behavioral changes.
Note that, in theory, artifacts (models and VDB's) created from Teiid Designer 6.0 or 6.1 should still be compatible with 6.2.
Barry LaFond
Teiid Designer Project Lead
15 years, 6 months
DDL Importer For Designer
by Barry Lafond
As we're working through assessing integration with other JBoss tools to reconstruct our XML story using annotated POJO's (i.e. Hibernate and JPA) it's become obvious that there will be a potential need in the not-to-distant future to create a DDL'ish importer that can translate Java objects into relational Designer model objects.
So, if we needed an importer of DDL....
1) What would it look like?
2) What flavor of DDL would we import? (i.e. is JPA-generated ddl sufficient?) Do we want to import "any" DDL and be able to ignore everything except "Create Schema/Table" and Alter statements?
15 years, 7 months
Re: [teiid-designer-dev] DDL Importer For Designer
by John Doyle
Hey Barry,
2) I think we would want the latter, import any DDL (or at lease ANSI SQL DDL). But if it's a question of resources we should get the JPA SQL done first.
----- "Barry Lafond" <blafond(a)redhat.com> wrote:
> All,
> As we're working through assessing integration with other JBoss tools to reconstruct our XML story using annotated POJO's (i.e. Hibernate and JPA) it's become obvious that there will be a potential need in the not-to-distant future to create a DDL'ish importer that can translate Java objects into relational Designer model objects.
> So, if we needed an importer of DDL....
> 1) What would it look like?
> 2) What flavor of DDL would we import? (i.e. is JPA-generated ddl sufficient?) Do we want to import "any" DDL and be able to ignore everything except "Create Schema/Table" and Alter statements?
> Barry
> _______________________________________________ teiid-designer-dev mailing list teiid-designer-dev(a)lists.jboss.org https://lists.jboss.org/mailman/listinfo/teiid-designer-dev
15 years, 7 months