Teiid Designer 7.1 M1 is ready for download.  It's been an adventure restoring the Preview Data Feature but it's finally ready for some testing.  Also new in this release is the DDL to Relational Model importer and a Web Service War file generator.

Don't forget the Quick Start Guide to help you install, set up your AS & Teiid and perform some basic modeling and VDB management.

Then, select a Relational Table in the Model Explorer and right-click select "Modeling > Preview Data" action.


The results of a sample query should be displayed in a SQL Results view.

     - You will need to select the combo box dropdown menu (little triangle) and open the "Filters" dialog, then check the "Display results of unresolvable connection profiles".

     - We also recommend that you select the "Display result in single tab" tool-bar action or else you'll need to select the "Result1" tab after each preview query.

Thx to the team for hanging in there and doing the grunt work. On the surface this feature has a small footprint, but underneath the hood, it wasn't so small. Nice job.

Barry LaFond
Teiid Designe Project