Please feel free to comment on the following portion of our 7.0 Release plans.
To better accommodate changes required for JBoss Tools integration and Teiid 7.0 integration we propose to modify/refactor our current code-base in the following way.
We propose to separate Teiid Designer code into Design-time code and Run-time code resulting in two installable Eclipse-based feature sets.
Design-time is specified as all modeling exercises short of creating/editing/executing VDB's or previewing data.
Users can create model projects, import/create/edit models, organize models into projects and folders, check-in/check-out from their favorite repository, etc....
UDF modeling will still be available.
Importing data for model creation will NOT auto-create connectors and data preview feature will not be available.
The VDB will NOT be a visible concept.
Run-time refers to any data preview or VDB execution logic
This feature will initially depend on installed Design-time features to run.
Importing data for model creation will auto-create connectors.
Data Preview will be available for design-time modeling.
Auto-deploy VDB to Teiid server (stretch)
Modify DQP/SQL Explorer plugins to execute VDB via DTP's jdbc connection to Teiid.
Motivating factors for making these changes to Designer include:
Creation of lighter-weight tool which is NOT dependent on Teiid runtime code-base will facilitate easier development of the modeling features.
Eliminates duplicate code maintenance between Designer and Teiid.
Allows independent run-time feature development.
will be a few milestones related to our 7.0 release
M1 - Design-time tooling feature set (modeling only)
separation of any preview data or vdb execution from modeling
keep current JDBC import methodology
M2 - Run-time execution tooling feature set (add-on to design-time feature set)
utilizes current SQL Explorer
M3 - Integration of Designer with DTP functionality
remove SQL Explorer and replace with common DTP data source querying
customize through DTP to perform preview data queries.