> Can we have a deployed VDB on Teiid that doesn't have any models (maybe marked inactive)? If yes, we can create the VDB when we create the associated Teiid server object. Then the deployed VDB lifecycle would be the same as the Designer's Teiid server object. Trick would be to make sure this deployed VDB exists the first time the connection is established. Remember servers can be created without connecting to them.

BML - Have to check with Ramesh, but I think we have some flexibility

> Can you query a model with a connector that is in a VDB that has another model which doesn't have a connector? If yes, we can add/remove models to the hidden VDB as models are created/removed in the workspace.
> It would be much simpler for us to manage the local VDB and redeploy it in its entirety each time a change is made but their might be performance issues associated with that. But this might be the only way to get the indexes updated.

BML - We have two functionalities we are trying to provide here 1) Source Binding management and 2) Preview Data

1) Source Binding management requires TEIID + VDB (CONNECTOR NAMES & MODEL REFERENCES)
- it does not require MODELS or INDEXES

- it does not required MODELS

So, potentially, we could manage a "loose" hidden VDB. At no time does it required MODELS (clarify with Ramesh). Source binding management only requires the CONFIG.XML in the VDB contain "Source Binding" info. Until a user actually executes Preview Data, we technically wouldn't have to zip up the INDEXES with the VDB.


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