On Jun 16, 2010, at 10:34 AM, Barry Lafond wrote:

2) Created Modeling > "Create Data Source" and "Delete Data Source" actions (maybe temporary actions) which extract Connection Profile from selected source model, creates JNDI name and creates a Teiid Data Source if it doesn't exist. Verifies the mechanics of storing connection info in models and using it create Teiid DS artifacts when necessary.

These should definitely be temporary.  The VDB is responsible for creating the JNDI name and that name should certainly never be stored in the model since it's tied to the workspace UUID and path within that workspace.

3) On start-up, the ExecutionAdmin now has the smarts to search workspace for physical models and determine if models have matching JNDI names on the default Teiid server. This is a little tricky because we only get Data Source Names (JNDI) from Teiid API and can't get any properties to determine if the DS connection properties (i.e. type, URL, etc) match the Connection Profile info in a model.  Based on our workspace logic to "clean-up" preview VDB artifacts on user events (close project, exit Designer, etc...) we are intending to NOT need to know anything more than the DS names.

We should always be able to match a model against its JNDI name without the need for properties.  I don't understand why this would be tricky?

4) Data Sources are now showing up in the Teiid server view, along with the available Translators.  I'm currently providing a display name == model name instead of showing the actual generated JNDI because it'll be ugly and look something like:  8d9b22ab-f4ab-48c0-a6cd-b4d4501b81a5__TestProject_B.TestFolder.BooksSQL_B.  User will see "BooksSQL_B"

Why are we showing translators in this view?  What can the user do with that information?  Seems like this is yet another topic we've been round and round on, coming to consensus every week, then rehashing it the following week...

The whole point of showing anything in this view was for manual user cleanup of stale, orphaned data sources due to application crashes, no-longer-used workspaces (this may currently be a moot point since we cleanup on application close), etc.  The user needs to see the entire name to determine whether it's his artifact.  Seems like this is yet another topic we've been round and round on, ... wow, deja-vu!
