Hey Barry,
2) I think we would want the latter, import any DDL (or at lease ANSI SQL DDL). But if it's a question of resources we should get the JPA SQL done first.
----- "Barry Lafond" <blafond@redhat.com> wrote:
> All,
> As we're working through assessing integration with other JBoss tools to reconstruct our XML story using annotated POJO's (i.e. Hibernate and JPA) it's become obvious that there will be a potential need in the not-to-distant future to create a DDL'ish importer that can translate Java objects into relational Designer model objects.
> So, if we needed an importer of DDL....
> 1) What would it look like?
> 2) What flavor of DDL would we import? (i.e. is JPA-generated ddl sufficient?) Do we want to import "any" DDL and be able to ignore everything except "Create Schema/Table" and Alter statements?
> Barry
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