Please feel free to comment on the following portion of our 7.0 Release plans .
To better accommodate changes required for JBoss Tools integration and Teiid 7.0
integration we propose to modify/refactor our current code-base in the following way.
We propose to separate Teiid Designer code into Design-time code and Run-time code
resulting in two installable Eclipse-based feature sets.
Design-time is specified as all modeling exercises short of creating/editing/executing
VDB's or previewing data.
Users can create model projects, import/create/edit models, organize models into projects
and folders, check-in/check-out from their favorite repository, etc....
UDF modeling will still be available.
Importing data for model creation will NOT auto-create connectors and data preview feature
will not be available.
The VDB will NOT be a visible concept.
Run-time refers to any data preview or VDB execution logic
This feature will initially depend on installed Design-time features to run.
• Users can c reate/edit/ execute VBD's .
Importing data for model creation will auto-create connectors.
Data Preview will be available for design-time modeling.
Auto-deploy VDB to Teiid server (stretch)
Modify DQP/SQL Explorer plugins to execute VDB via DTP's jdbc connection to Teiid.
• No Designer-related jar management for UDF of JDBC/JDBC connections (assumed to
be in place on server)
Motivating factors for making these changes to Designer include:
Creation of lighter-weight tool which is NOT dependent on Teiid runtime code-base will
facilitate easier development of the modeling features.
Eliminates duplicate code maintenance between Designer and Teiid.
Allows independent run-time feature development.
• Simplifies run-time features by removing non-essential Eclipse dependencies (EMF,
UML2, etc...)
There will be a few milestones related to our 7.0 release
M1 - Design-time tooling feature set (modeling only)
separation of any preview data or vdb execution from modeling
keep current JDBC import methodology
M2 - Run-time execution tooling feature set (add-on to design-time feature set)
utilizes current SQL Explorer
M3 - Integration of Designer with DTP functionality
remove SQL Explorer and replace with common DTP data source querying
customize through DTP to perform preview data queries.
Barry LaFond
Teiid Designer Project