So we really have a couple of options for this release
that would involve minimal coding.
1) remove the timer. User can cancel if they wish
2) Add a Yes/No "You have deployed Preview Artifacts on "xxxxx server". Do you wish to clean up 'Designer Preview Artifacts'?" dialog during shut-down to give the user a choice.
3) remove the clean-up at shut-down all together
4) do nothing
We had talked about 3) awhile back and at length. Leaving deployed Preview artifacts laying around may or may not be a bad thing. We chose to prevent that with the knowledge that keeping them "clean" would have it's drawbacks too.
I vote for 1) at this time and with a 5.2 planned for a few months out, keep the dialog going and gather feedback. If folks get used to and understand Preview artifacts, then maybe we can do 3)
From: "John Doyle" <>
To: rareddy@redhat.comCc: "Steven Hawkins" <>, "Barry Lafond" <>, "Johnny Verhaeg" <>, "Daniel Florian" <>
Sent: Friday, January 28, 2011 7:26:48 AM
Subject: Re: Preview VDB Cleanup
I also agree that we should eliminate the timer. We're making an assumptions about the user's preference there.
Ramesh, would be possible to implement the delete such that it just flags the VDB and DS for delete and returns, then the delete is actually performed on another thread? I can't imagine there's much corrective action someone is going to take through the admin API in the event that Delete fails.
----- Original Message -----
> Dan,
> Yes, I would get rid of the timer but keep the cancel button just in
> case user want to shutdown fast. There is noway to delete all the
> previews at a time, as currently Teiid does not distinguish between
> regular and preview data sources. It can not delete by its own because
> it does not know Designer is disconnected.
> Yes, we need to clean up each time startup/shutdown and switch of the
> server connection.
> It is quite possible that every time server is restarted it can
> auto-clean all the preview stuff automatically, however this may be
> too
> late for this iteration. If we can agree on this we can do it in 7.4
> Ramesh..
> On Thu, 2011-01-27 at 15:26 -0500, Daniel Florian wrote:
> > Hi Guys,
> >
> > I'm working a couple issues (JBDS-1514, TEIIDDES-714) that deal with
> > cleanup of preview artifacts from the Teiid server. After letting
> > you guys know what we currently do, I was hoping you might have
> > ideas of ways to improve this. Here is the way things work now:
> >
> > When shutdown of JBDS/Designer occurs, an Eclipse job, for each
> > PVDB, is created. Each job executes Admin.deleteVDB(String, int) and
> > then Admin.deleteDataSource(String). When the second of those Admin
> > API methods return the job finishes. During shutdown, the user is
> > presented a dialog that displays a count of how many cleanup jobs
> > are scheduled/running. The count of remaining jobs is updated in the
> > dialog as the jobs finish. The user is free to cancel the dialog,
> > which cancels any scheduled/running jobs, which allows shutdown to
> > continue. In addition to all of that, there is a timer that expires
> > after (10 seconds + 1/4 second per job) that automatically cancels
> > any scheduled/running jobs. It is quite common for the timer to
> > cancel the jobs before they are all finished. We are thinking of
> > getting rid of this timer so that the jobs will always finish unless
> > the dialog is canceled by the user. Whenever there are cleanup jobs
> > that don't finish there are artifacts that don't get cleaned up.
> >
> > If there was only a way to tell Teiid to delete the PVDB(s) and
> > preview data source(s) and not have to wait for a response. Is there
> > a way to do that using Admin API or maybe using Java threading in
> > some way.
> >
> > We do cleanup in other scenarios other than shutdown (switching
> > servers is one example) but the cleanup jobs are always run and the
> > user cannot cancel them (unless they know how to kill jobs within
> > Eclipse that is).
> >
> > One thing we are planning to do is cleanup the artifacts each time a
> > connection is made to Teiid. This would cleanup artifacts left over
> > from the last shutdown or connection failure. The goal is to not
> > have to manually cleanup any of these preview artifacts. Not sure if
> > that goal can be completely realized though.
> >
> > An email reply or a comment to either of the JIRAs is much
> > appreciated.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Dan
> >
> >