Branch: refs/heads/9.0.x
Commit: a4e25aa09d5daa37e839fce0ac5e00c762793e1f
Author: Paul Richardson <p.g.richardson(a)>
Date: 2015-06-17 (Wed, 17 Jun 2015)
Changed paths:
Log Message:
TEIIDDES-2548: Handling NUL character in SQL String
* The NUL character can added to an ESCAPE clause using its unicode
counterpart \u0000 and this is converted by java into \0. This character
is problematic for printing in any display since printing will terminate
at the first occurence of NUL.
* Using the SQL editor, users can enter the unicode string into the UI but
on saving this is converted to \0. The DisplayNode tree still contains
all nodes after the \0 but printing DisplayNode.toString() terminates too
* TextDisplayNode
* Protect the UI in the text from the \0 by returning \\u0000 (escaped
version). This will display \u0000 in the UI and save it to the XMI file
ensuring it can be safely deployed to Teiid.