Paul Nittel <> made a comment on bug 829735
Tested with ER4 and JBDS 5.0GA with SOA-tooling CR1.
The generated transformation SQL: CREATE VIRTUAL PROCEDURE BEGIN SELECT t.* FROM XMLTABLE(XMLNAMESPACES('' AS ns), '/ns:suppInfo_Output/suppInfo_Output_Instance' PASSING Supp2View.getsuppInfo_response.xml_in COLUMNS SUPPLIER_NAME string PATH '/ns:', SUPPLIER_CITY string PATH '/ns:', QUANTITY bigdecimal PATH '/ns:', PART_ID string PATH '/ns:PART_ID') AS t; END
does not validate. Validation requires dropping the colon from the paths, for example: SUPPLIER_NAME string PATH '/ns'
However, the results returned from previewing have NULL instead of the expected values.
Paul Nittel <> made a comment on bug 829735
Tested with ER4 and JBDS 5.0GA with SOA-tooling CR1.
The generated transformation SQL:
SELECT t.* FROM XMLTABLE(XMLNAMESPACES('' AS ns), '/ns:suppInfo_Output/suppInfo_Output_Instance' PASSING Supp2View.getsuppInfo_response.xml_in COLUMNS SUPPLIER_NAME string PATH '/ns:', SUPPLIER_CITY string PATH '/ns:', QUANTITY bigdecimal PATH '/ns:', PART_ID string PATH '/ns:PART_ID') AS t;
does not validate. Validation requires dropping the colon from the paths, for example: SUPPLIER_NAME string PATH '/ns'
However, the results returned from previewing have NULL instead of the expected values.