Matus Makovy updated TEIIDDES-2948:
Labels: verified_jbdsis-9.0.3 (was: )
Created REST Connection Profile isn't appearing in Designer
Key: TEIIDDES-2948
Project: Teiid Designer
Issue Type: Bug
Affects Versions: 10.0.2
Reporter: stanislav kaleta
Priority: Blocker
Labels: verified_jbdsis-9.0.3
Use Steps to Reproduce to create REST Connection Profile. I assume Connection Profile is
created because if u try to create another CP with same name it shows error that CP with
given name already exists. However if you check Data Source Explorer, no REST CP is there.
Also when I try _Import.../Teiid Designer/Web Service Source >> Source and View
Model (REST)_, following _REST WebService Source_ combo box is empty. (Using _New..._
(next to combo box) should create CP, however combo box remains empty after creation)