Hello all,

Please see the release announcements for Teiid 10.3.3http://teiid.io/blog/post-07-27-18-100303/

and 11.0.1: http://teiid.io/blog/post-07-27-18-110001/

These are fairly standard fix releases - except for issue TEIID-5409 [1] which may reverse the direction of a left outer join under specific circumstances.  Upgrading is recommended.

Note that there the download page has changed again [2]. 

As per usual, please give us feedback on the progress of the new site or anything else related to Teiid.

The Teiid Team

[1] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/TEIID-5409
[2] http://teiid.io/teiid_runtimes/teiid_wildfly/downloads/