> I though I might give teiid a trial run with SalesForce, so I:
> 1. Installed Eclipse 3.4.2 (Ganymede)
> 2. Downloaded teiid_designer_6.2.0.v20090922.zip
> 3. Followed the docs, installed the software, restarted eclipse
> 4. Created a new Metadata Modeling -> Model project
> 5. Choose Import -> Metadata Modeling -> Salesforce as Relational Source Model
> 6. Supplied my Username and Password
> 7. Clicked "Override Connection URL" and supplied the test url:
> (which I note is eight versions higher that the default Teiid url)
> 8. Click Validate Credentials and get:
> No operation available for
> 9. Click OK to dismiss the dialog
> 10. Click Validate Credentials again (for giggles), "Next ->" button becomes enabled
> 11. Click Next ->, get:
> Exception gathering salesforce metadata: java.lang.NullPointerException
> 12. Checked the <workspace>/.metadata/.log for any stack traces, but didn't find anything.
> Any tips on how to proceed?
> - Mike